Saturday 28 January 2012

MediaBros Review: Super Mario Bros

Hi there. Welcome to our spot. Today. We will do a review on the original Super Mario Bros

Super Mario Bros

Release Date: 11/17/1985 (USA)/15/5/1987 (UK)
Age Rating: 3+
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System (Ported to Wii, GBA, 3DS)
Genre: Platformer


The gameplay is quite simple. You go from point A to point B, collect power-ups like mushrooms which turn you big, fire flowers which allow you to throw fire balls and Starmen that turn invisible. It isn't as easy as it sounds as many parts revolve around you using Mario's (Luigi's aswell if you are doing multiplayer) trademark jump to get past gaps and stomp on enemies such as Goombas , Koopa Troopas and Buzzy Beetles. Your jump attack won't work on every enemy, enemies like Spinys and Piranha Plants. If you are an experienced gamer, you should be aware of this concept as this games gameplay revolutionized platformers.

The games controls are simple to use. The D-Pad to move, the A button to jump, the B button to run (Hold B while using the D-Pad) and the Start to pause the game. These controls are simple to use but that's why they are revolutionary. Because players who has previously played the Atari had never seen anything like it.

The game will seem hard if you are new to the game or new at games in general but if you have played the game lots and you have got used to the controls. It isn't so hard. In fact it seems pretty easy.

The games length seems quite appropriate as there are eight worlds and four levels in each world resulting in 32 levels. Seems to be quite a fair deal. Not as long as other 2D Mario games to follow such as Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World but that's a different story.

The gameplay overall is fun and will have you come back to it all the time. It is simple, addictive and tons of fun. Gamers playing this over 25 years still come back to this because of its gameplay.


Many gamers in today's generation go around bashing this game just because "THE GWAFIKS LOOK SHIT" Apologies for the swearing but it is true. Thats what some people actually say. True the graphics have dated due to the advanced visuals of toady:
But honestly. Compared to the Atari they looked wonderful. Blue sky wasn't common in games at first and the animation on the characters looked incredible. These pixels were very ground breaking for their time but even now, just because they are old doesn't mean they suck. The frame-rate is perfect, Animation is crisp and there are hardly any graphic glitches to warn you about. Overall. Don't judge a book by its cover

The music is classic. Every Mario fan or even every gamer must know the main theme. This game has the most recognizable soundtrack in a video game. Even though this is true. There aren't many songs in the game. Nine songs at the most. Even so. They are still well known tunes even today.


This game has held up quite well. Gamers who played this game from the start replay this game as it is so nostalgic. Even we replay the game now and then as it is so awesome. True, some mechanics in the game have dated compared to other Mario games and other video games in general but you can't deny that this game is a classic. No wonder it was packaged with the NES. 

Oliver's Thoughts:

Oh Yeah, The first Mario game and the first NES game I played and it is outstanding. This is one of the reasons why the NES was so popular. As we have said. Some things have dated and the game seems easy for me, but as we have said, don't under estimate this classic as it was a game which is most peoples first look at gaming.
Gameplay: 10
Controls: 10
Difficulty: 8
Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 9
Appeal: 9.5

Overall: 9/10

Alisdair's Thoughts:

Oh Yes. One of the games that ended the North American Video Game crash of 1983. Making this game the reason why people like Screwattack and AVGN are doing game reviews. Although this would be the best game ever back in 1985. Today, I still think its a great game but I do have a few issues with the game's play control and the game can be beaten in 1 sitting. Also, the visuals were masterful for their time. But now they're just decent. But, It is still a no-brainer for NES, SNES, GBC, GBA, Wii and 3DS.
Gameplay: 10
Controls: 8
Difficulty: 7
Graphics: 7.5
Sound: 9.5
Appeal: 9

Overall: 8.5/10

MediaBros Review: Pokemon Red and Blue

Hi. This is our first game review. Why not review a starter to one of our favorite game series, Pokemon Red and Blue. Yellow is the same game as Red and Blue so if you have that game. The review will apply to it.

Pokemon Red and Blue
Release Date: 9/30/1998 (USA)/1/10/1999 (UK)
Age Rating: 3+
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy
Genre: RPG


This game is a role play game. It is where you go around a world (mostly in a Top-Down Perspective), Have turn based battles and if you win. You may gain experience points. If you have enough. You may gain a level. You can also buy items if you have the right amount of money. During the story, other characters will join your team.

In this game. It is a little different. Instead of you battling. Your Pokemon battle and gain experience in a rock-paper-scissors formula. There are 15 Pokemon types in this game. Certain moves can beat certain types. A type chart on Bulbapedia will help you. It is recommended you use different types of Pokemon so you have a balanced team. BTW, You can keep six Pokemon in a team but you can keep many in the games PC.

Also, People don't join you. Pokemon join you, well not really but you can catch them by lowering their health down (don't make it faint though), then throw the Pokeball. This way the Pokemon is caught and is put onto your team or if you have run out of room. It is put in the PC. There are 150 Pokemon you need to obtain. However, not all of them are obtainable on your own. That is why you need to trade with other versions using the link cable and some Pokemon can change form but we will get on to that in a minute.

As you progress, you battle other trainers so you can get experience points. Sometimes, when your Pokemon is leveled up enough they can go through evolution and change form. The evolved forms become stronger but learn moves a little later. Along the way, you will battle Gym leaders who will give you gym badges if you beat them in a battle. If you get all eight badges. You may battle the Elite Four, they will see if you are a Pokemon master.

This game has plenty to keep you occupied. You'll be playing this one for weeks; catching all the Pokemon. Getting the badges, all fun stuff. Although the main quest isn't hard, You will still find it all rather fun. Use websites like Bulbapedia or Youtube walkthroughs such as Slowflake to help you.

This was one of the last games made for the Game Boy and this game kinda shown how the system was dating graphic wise:
This is the in game graphics. The battle screen has quite a well known layout.
The graphics have dated vastly but they do not ruin the framerate in any way. The music is great though. You should try and listen to some of the tunes on Youtube. They are amazing.

The game has sold over 20 million copies and we can see why. The game is very entertaining and it holds well today despite the dated visuals and mechanics. It was even remade for the GBA under the names Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green. We might review them soon as they have some extras like the Sevii Islands.

Oliver's Thoughts:

Oh Yeah, Pokemon was an extremely addictive game. While I never did get to catch em all. I was in it for training my monsters up and becoming a top trainer. I always find myself replaying this one over and over. A must have for any Game Boy owner.

Gameplay: 10
Controls: 9
Difficulty: 8
Graphics: 7.5
Sound: 9.5
Appeal: 10
Overall: 9/10

Alisdair's Thoughts:

Pokemon Red and Blue aka My childhood. This game is very addictive and there are 3 ways to play: The easy Bulbasaur, The Hard Charmander and My Personal Favorite the Medium mode Squirtle. But for Yellow Players, You can only use Pikachu. Hell, Even after you beat the game there is still alot to do. You can do competitive battling on Pokemon Stadium (for N64). In fact, to this day I have a Pokemon Online account to do battles with. Yep, this game rocks even to this day.
Gameplay: 10
Controls: 9
Difficulty: 8
Graphics: 7
Sound: 9.5
Appeal: 10
Overall: 9/10


Hi. We would like to announce that this will be our blog for game reviews meaning that our previous reviews on Sodor Network will be put on to this blog. This will be done so we can appeal this to gamers aswell. Thanks for reading.